- Start with keyword research
Most people quit SEO because they start in the wrong path. They choose a keyword research method taught by a guru and assume that it’ll work. Keyword research can be a little tricky. You must understand that not all of your keywords are going to make the cut on Google. That’s just how things are with Google. No one knows which keywords are going to do well I don’t care how long you hve been doing this.
You must get out of the guru mentality and get into the buyer’s keyword mentality. I want you to focus on the keyword methods that are about to get laid out right now. The first thing you need to understand is, you need to focus on longtail keywords, period. They are by far the easiest to rank and many SEO people really don’t focus on these longtail keywords because they think they can master medium tail or short tail keywords and “crack the code” so to speak.
Buyer keywords are always longtail keywords….let me give you an example.
Regular keyword: Acne 7000 review
Longtail keyword: Buy acne cream 7000 amazon….
When you go to the keyword planner in Google Adwords, which you can sign up for free, you want to type in keywords that revolve around terms such as “how to” “Where to buy” Just these two methods alone will reveal a lot of results for you and a bunch of longtail keywords to cherry pick.
Once you find the keywords you are interested in, you will then want to go to your Affiliate marketing platform such as amazon, Clickbank, etc. and find products related to those keywords. After that you will then want to go back to the keyword planner and type in whatever the product name is. Once you do this, you will have a slew of keywords you can make money off of with one product alone.
- PBN is the best backlink
Private Blog Networks is still one of the best sources for backlinking out there. It’s powerful and it’s cheap. The best part is, you can control your links. If it goes a bit hairy, then you can cut off your links in a stroke of a mouse.
I won’t teach you how to find a PBN, but I will show you what to look for in a PBN. You’re going to need a few tools. Once source you can use is majesticseo.com. It basically lets you know the inner details of the site. The backlinks, anchor text, trust flow etc. Before I give you the criteria I’m looking for in a PBN, let me just say that all of these criteria are proven to be great for a PBN. It means that if that site hit that criteria, then most often than not, it is a great PBN.
PBN Criteria
Note: not all of the PBN you will buy will have these criteria. It also doesn’t mean that just because you have met the criteria, It’ll be a good PBN.
- Trust Flow- 10+
- Citation Flow- 10+
- External backlinks is more than 100 and referring backlinks more than 50
- External backlinks and referring backlinks should have a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1
- Anchor text shouldn’t be spammy
- Majestic SEO graphic is spread out
- There should be High Wuality Backlinks pointing to it.
Look at the anchor text, if the site is about green juices, why would it have anchor text like gold watches, Gucci, SEO, make money online? If it doesn’t make sense, then ditch it. It’s probably a spam. For #6, look at the image below, the more pink dots and the more spread out it is, the better. It’s basically a combination of a lot of factors that even I can’t explain properly. Just rust me on this. But the rule is, the more spread out the pink dots are, the better.
- On page is important
Most people underestimate the power of on page seo. What they don’t realize is that on page seo alone can rank you on non-competitive keywords. Sometimes, you don’t even have to do any backlinking. Here’s the best practices to follow when it comes to on page seo.
Meta Tags
Use H1, H2 tags for your main keywords. If you are trying to rank for “best dandruff solution.” Put an h1 or h2 into it. It basically lets Google know that your site is about that term.
<h1> Best dandruff solution </h1>
Then add an h2 tag to another broad term keyword.
<h2> best dandruff solution for men </h2>
Do not put more than 2 meta tags in 1 post.
Keyword Density
Don’t overstuff your post with your main keywords. Your keyword should only consist 1% of the overall word count. Use LSI rather, these are keyword related to your main keyword but not exactly the same.
Main keyword: Best Dandruff Solution
LSI: Dandruff problems, men shampoo, conditioner for dandruff, hairbrush.
Don’t over optimize with your URL. Here’s an example of very obvious attempt to over optimize:
Main url: howtocureacne.com
Main keyword: how to cure acne
Page/post title: how to cure acne forever
Page url: howtocurewcne.com/how-to-cure-acne
Do this and your website is toast! If you already have your keyword in your URL, then don’t put it again on the extension. Here is a good example of nicely optimized page
Main url: dermatology.com
Main keyword: how to cure acne
Page/port title: how to cure acne forever
Page url: dermatology.com/how-to-cure-acne
Don’t repeat your keyword twice in the url, especially if you have it in your title.
- YouTube videos are easier to rank
If you are having a hard time ranking a website, then why don’t you start with a YouTube video. It’s much easier and it’ll give you more tools and experience. The secret to ranking your YouTube video is not on the backlinks. Don’t get me wrong, your backlinks is half of what it needs to rank. But everybody can get easy backlinks for $10. The real secret is in the optimization part. When you upload your videos follow the following:
Your title should have the exact keyword phrase you are targeting.
File name
Make sure that your file name has your main keyword in it. If your main keyword is “gorilla juggling” then name your file gorillajuggling.mp4
Title Stacking
Putting your keyword twice in the title will help your Google rankings. Make sure though that your title makes sense and you’re not just spamming the crap out of YouTube.
Ex. Dermology skin whitening review-the best skin whitening cream of 2015.
Your Channel Name
Your channel name should be related to your keyword as much as possible.
Ex. Main keyword is “dermology skin whitening review”
Your channel name could be: Dermology Skin Whitening Review; Skin Whitening Product Reviews. Just pick something that has some of your keywords in it.
One of the most important parts of your video is your description. It has three purpose. First, it let the viewers know what it is they are watching. Second, you can use it to link out to your website or to any website where you want your viewers to go. Third, it helps Google determining what the content is about. It also helps in rankings since it is part of YouTube-Google algorithm.
You must put http:// on your url to make it clickable. Today I recommend you put a 250 word descrition on your video. Tell them what they can expect in the video and put your website link on it.
It is good practice to put at least one or two annotations related to your topic. Don’t spam your video with annotations, your viewers might get irritated and leave your page.
- Better safe than sorry- Backlinking that works
Most Seo’s get burned when they try to aggressively build backlinks. My method is a little bit on the safe side but not too cautious.
The method:
Post unique content on your website 500-1000 words. Important: make sure the website you are linking to and your PBN have a different hosting.
Also, try to use your PBN only 3 times when linking to your money sites. Another important note: 90% of your backlinks shouldn’t be your main keyword.
Anchor Variation
Use this formula when linking to your money sites. I use th example below for you to understand this much better. Ex. Main keyword: Ponds Acne Cream Review (assuming your website is called
PBN A- 2
nd link-pimple buster
PBN A- 3
rd link- Ponds acne cream review
PBN B- 4
th link- click here to visit
PBN B- 5
th link- pimple ponds acne cream
PBN B- 6
th link- acne cream review
PBN C- 7
th link- acne
PBN C- link- acne
PBN C link- pimple cream
PBN D- 9
th link- pimplebuster.com
PBN C- 10
th link- cream
PBN D- 11
th link- ponds acne cream review
And so on.
The most importan part is to use your brand and use extended keyword. Spread this entire link building process in 20-30 days. That would be at around 1 backlink every 2-3 days. In addition, do not send all your links in your home page. Tyr and spread it out to different pages.
- Mobile Optimized
Did you know that more than 50% of the internet users today use mobile when they browse on Google? If your website is not mobile optimized, then I hate to break to you, but your site will not rank well in Google. Google announced it themselves, last April 21
st 2015, the mobile update came and all sites that are not mobile optimized will get massive penalty and lower rankings. This means, Google is serious, they want mobile optimized websites.
How to know if your website is mobile friendly
GO to that links and type your website.
It’ll tell you if your website is mobile optimized or not. If a negative notification results, that means your site isn’t mobile ready.
How to make your site mobile ready
The easiest way I know to od this is via DUDAMOBILE. Geek Hibrid is not partnered with this site. We are just recommending them.
- Set up your wordpress setting properly
Setting up your Wordpress setting properly can immensely help your website to rank faster and higher in Google. Her are the most important aspects of setting your Wordpress.
This let’s Google know what your website is about.
In your permaink, choose POSTNAME, so it’ll automatically use your post title as url extension.
Install these plugins for more SEO power
1 – W3 Total Cache – makes your website faster
2 – wordpress seo- on page optimization purposes
3 – Google XMI Sitemap – let’s Google know about every page of yoru site
4 – YouTube XMI sitemap – Let’s Google know that you posted YouTube videos in your site (they own YouTube, they will give you higher rankings because of that)
- When to use backlinking software
Backlink software used to be really famous back in the days. Today, not so much, but that doesn’t mean you stop using them. Today the best use for a backlinking software is through building MASS BRAND links.
If you have a website called:
www.johnyblaze.com and it’s about texas bbq sauce, then brand links could be:
bbq sauce
click here
visit my website
visit our site
Hot sauce
Even if you build mass backlinks via those anchor text, it won’t look like you are spamming or doing SEO. It’ll look natural because your website is called johnyblaze.com. Google will not penalize people just because others are linking to their brands. After building brand mass links, you can start aggressively linking using your main anchor text (main keyword).
Even if you build 10 backlinks in 3days using your main keyword, it won’t matter because you build mass (thousands) backlinks already via keywords (brand keywords).
- Unique Content
In the good ole days of SEO, you can get away with crappy articles. But times have change d and Google now requires original and unique content. The good news is you don’t have to write your own content. There are lots of article writing services that go for as much as $3 per article. Higher quality articles go for as much as $30.
You can outsource your articles through these sites:
![Desktop 3-24-2016 2-57-40 AM-402](http://geekhibrid.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Desktop-3-24-2016-2-57-40-AM-402-595x302.png)
I find them quite easy to work with and their articles are really great. Depending on the writer, length and quality you can get an article for as low as $1.50 bucks. Another service is fivver.com
![Desktop 3-24-2016 3-00-50 AM-820](http://geekhibrid.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Desktop-3-24-2016-3-00-50-AM-820-595x302.png)
I usually just search for “article writing” and then choose someone with high ratings and goo reviews. Delivery time can be from 7days to as little as 1day.
- Rinse And Repeat
All you have to do is master these steps and then rinse and repeat the process for any niche that you want to start a blog for. Don’t rush these steps. Make sure you are doing everything correctly so you don’t miss anything. Good luck with your marketing and let me know if any of these steps help you in any way.
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