Writing a blog post could be very challenging sometimes. You have to come up with a topic. Perform research if you aren’t too familiar with the material you are about to write. Not to mention trying to come up with words that will fit with your keywords and your overall content layout. This can be very challenging to do considering the time it takes to get this done properly. Sometimes posting a proper blog post can take a while. Sometimes an hour or two, depending on what type of content you plan on dishing out. If you are dishing out detailed content, then this can take a couple of hours considering the level of detail you are putting on the blog. However, there is a better way to place content on your blog in a very short amount of time. Making this small adjustment on your blog will increase your effectiveness as well as your traffic. Even if you do this halfway wrong, you will see results.
![Present Happy_00027](http://geekhibrid.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Present-Happy_00027-595x446.png)
I’ve noticed that A-list bloggers regularly publish excellent content by creating content in a strategic way where they are building a business. People who return to a blog to read the content come back because you are providing valuable content they can work with.The number one goal that you must keep in mind is the classic question, “What’s in it for the reader?” This is what people are asking as they read your content. If you keep asking this question to yourself, you will be sure to create more effective and time efficient content. Here are five actionable steps you can take to create actionable time sensitive posts. Short Blog Posting There are several types of blog posts that you can create. But for the purposes of this article, we are only going to focus on time sensitive content that you can create in a very short amount of time. Creating detailed blog posts are great if you plan on educating your audience on a specific topic. However, you can create short blog posts that provides value without having to spend a lot of time creating it. All you need to do is commit to 6 blog posts either each month or each week. Depending the type of content you are providing to your audience.
To be more specific, you short valuable posts usually consist of a “how to” post, facts, quotes, motivation, recipes, quick tips, quick lessons, etc. You can also break up content and turn them into parts, so you can distribute your content in parts. If you simply use this strategy, you can churn out content every 30 min or less.What is so important about this is the fact that you are not only creating a sense of suspense for your readers, as you break your content up by parts, but you also fill in a great deal of content without sacrificing value. This also enables you to create a publishing schedule, since you will be churning out content in 30 min or less per blog post. Creating a publishing schedule will free you up from having to write so much content just to meet a deadline or just to fill your blog. Now you can take your time and just simply distribute a healthy amount of short valuable content that will help your readers and fill your blog at the same time. The more you practice this, the better your results will become as well as becoming an authority to your niche. Visit my profile to get more training and tips on blogging, online marketing and advertising online.
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