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Blog ideas aren't that difficult to come up with. Studies show that there are approximately over 10,000+ niches on the internet right now. This means that there's really a lot of niches to choose from out there. You can practically blog about anything out there. If you don't know what to blog about, then you can simply sit down and right out what you're good at, knowledgeable of or skillful at. It's really truly that simple. Any other explanation is simply over doing it.

The bottom line is that you aren't in the blogging business just to get noticed or just to get a bunch of traffic, even though you can definitely get there, you are mainly providing solutions to people who are looking for answers to their questions and concerns. IF you aren't providing that information for that audience, then you risk of not being taken seriously and ultimately not making a commission.

So when you are looking for ideas to write about online, you have to think about what you are willing to talk about for a long period of time. Keep in mind that you are starting a blog for the long run. You never want to use methods or talk about subjects that are short lived either because of your lack of knowledge, or because you aren't motivated enough to talk about the subject of choice. Therefore, you must make sure you choose a niche and topic that you are going to stick with. This helps you when trying to come up with ideas and content to discuss on your site. The closer you are to the subject niche, the more ideas you will get spewing off the top of your head.

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